Sunday, March 15, 2009

Where's Fall Out Boy?

Friday morning I became Nuclear Man. I had radiation injected into my veins. I'm having the same thing done tomorrow at 6 am. Traumatizing, I know. Not the nuclear part; the part about 6 am.

I've been having some symptoms that scare my family physician a bit: shortness of breath, occasional chest pain, stuff like that. Plus I have nearly every risk factor in the book. I'm overweight, diabetic, with a horrible family history of heart disease. All I need to do is take up smoking and I run the table.

The doctor is kind of a character. He walked in, introduced himself, then said, "We both know how we're going to die, don't we? Heart attack or cancer." Turns out he's diabetic too. He did go on to say that we want to delay these options as long as possible. I like the guy.

So after Friday where I was stripped, poked, prodded, ultrasounded, placed on a treadmill, injected with radioactive material and scanned, I have to do the nuclear thing again in six hours.

Oh, and I had a good guitar lesson today.


John A Hill said...

Sorry that I haven't stopped by in a while. I hope that your test came out ok. I'd also like to know how the lecture went.

Anonymous said...

I haven't stopped by in a while either. :)

The test went surprisingly well. I expected them to find at least some blockage, given all the risk factors I mentioned. But no. Everything came up clean and green.

The lecture went great. I wanted to quote from an online Max Maven review of Practical Mental Effects, So I emailed Mr. Mave and asked permission. He emailed back quickly and granted such permission as long as I agreed to properly attribute the material. I thought that was a perfectly reasonable request. So, armed with his quotes, I waded into a sea of waiting magicians and presented what I thought was a pretty decent lecture. Hard to tell, though - you can never get honest feedback on these sorts of things.